Saturday, September 13, 2008

Photograph Project

Today in class we covered the history of photography and were assigned a project in which we have to look up a group of 15 photographs that we like and evaluate them based on certain criteria. It's an interesting project, especially for me since I haven't really ever thought about photography much before. I know the basic stuff from my film classes like aperture and depth of field and all that but I've never looked at it from the art side.

One thing I guess I've noticed so far is that I haven't been looking at film from that perspective. I've always thought film more closely related to literature than photography, but if you want to get technical that's far from the case. I knew I was more interested in narratology, especially since I was hoping to move into studying video games from that perspective, but photography is pretty cool too.

I always admired the style of film noir so I think I might choose for my project those series of pictures from Naked City by Weegee. I love that style, chiaroscuro it's called. There's good stuff in that book, I'll definitely find more than enough examples of shadow. Anyway, I'm going to check out some of that stuff and start posting it in the next couple of days. Also, work continues on my personal website, I'll be going live any time now (I hope).

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